Year 1 - Honey Pots

Welcome to Honey Pots! Our teacher is Miss Bovington and our LSAs are Mrs Nash and Ms Russell.

Firstly, we will be getting to know one another and have lots of opportunities to show our learning through play. This will help me to identify any gaps and tailor the Year 1 National Curriculum to meet their individual needs, we will aim for all children to be FRESH (Fascinated, rounded, Eager to make a difference. Spiritual and Highly Aspirational) throughout their learning journey.  When the children are settled and familiar with the routines in Year 1, we will begin more structured sessions and to engage and fascinate children’s love for learning, we will be reading a variety of texts (fiction, non-fiction and poetry) to support and enhance our topic learning.

Our topic for the Autumn Term is ‘A Toy Story’ where we will have a special visit from the Chesham Museum to deepen our understanding of our history topic of ‘Toys’ where we will look at old and new toys and comparing them. We also link this in English to the story of Traction Man and Paddington Bear. This takes us onto our Spring Term topic called ‘Let’s Go on an Adventure’ where we are looking at real life explorers and their expeditions on land, sea and space with a particular focus on the first flight and the Wright Brothers. In the Summer Term our topic is called ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ where we are learning all about animals and their diets and habitats and linking this to the book Grandad’s Island where we will write non-chronological reports and comparing climates of different countries.  

Throughout the year in daily maths sessions, we will be developing the children's confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. We will also be learning how to recognise, describe, compare and sort different shapes and solve problems involving length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money. The children will have access to a range of manipulatives (e.g. Numicon, counting objects, bead strings) to help them become more independent with their learning. We will use concrete, pictorial and abstract examples to develop the children's understanding of key mathematical concepts. We will encourage the children to have high aspirations of themselves and develop their own resilience when faced with a challenge.

The children will have daily RWI (Read Write Inc.) phonics sessions where they will continue to develop their phonic knowledge and practise segmenting and blending sounds together. Daily opportunities for reading and writing will take place in school and you can support your child at home by listening to them read so they have a chance to win “Reader of the Week”. In addition to this we will prepare the children for the Year 1 Phonics Screening in the Summer term.

Across the year we will be seizing as many opportunities as we can to learn outdoors to develop our knowledge whilst going on many woodland walks to the common. We are lucky enough to have Forest School in the first half term and we will immerse ourselves in nature. Capturing our love for learning through outdoor teaching will result in us becoming more rounded learners. A little drop of rain will not stop us from our outdoor learning so remember your raincoat and wellies!

We have an exciting year ahead of us and I can’t wait to get started!

Miss Bovington