Year 3 - Folly Fields

Welcome to Folly Fields Year 3!

In Year 3 we have graduated to KS2 and I am looking forward to continuing their learning journey with them this year. Year 3 provides lots of opportunities for children to consolidate their learning in KS1 and to build upon and develop their existing knowledge. This year the children will be learning to be more independent, they will have greater responsibilities within the classroom. This year the class will be supported by Miss Daly, Mrs Cairnie, Miss Coventry and Mrs Ditta. We have high aspirations for each child’s presentation and handwriting of their learning, they will be writing neatly and with joined up handwriting across all subjects.

In Year 3 we will build each child’s love of books, this will help strengthen their reading ability and comprehension, which will help them with their writing skills. The more they read the more their writing will improve! We will learn to use paragraphs to structure our writing and will focus on developing the skills of editing their own work, looking for spellings, punctuation and grammar.

In Maths, we will start to look at place value of 3-digit numbers and apply our knowledge of addition and subtraction to these numbers. We will build upon our existing knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, introducing the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We will continue to master word problem questions and apply our knowledge of the four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

In History we will start the year learning about life during the Stone Age, then the Iron Age and later in the year will learn all about the Ancient Greeks. We will be learning about how people used to live during these times, and understanding how developments during these times have impacted upon life today. In Geography we will learn about our local area and then compare it to somewhere in Europe.

In Science the topics we will cover include Rocks and Fossils, Forces and Magnets, Light and Shadow, Plants, and Animals including humans. We will be fascinated to learn about the different topics within science and will develop our enquiry skills by asking questions, making predictions, setting up investigations, observing and measuring, recording data and interpreting our results.

Our aim for year 3 is to provide a stimulating and interesting curriculum, this will be done in the classroom, out in our beautiful school grounds and where possible on trips. There will be lots of opportunities for children to be fascinated, rounded, eager, and spiritual throughout their time in school this year. I look forward to getting to know each child better this year and go on their learning journey with them watching they grow and flourish in Year 3!

Miss Daly