Year 6 - Great Oaks
Welcome to Year 6 – Great Oaks!
Our teachers are Mrs Hughes and Mrs Birley we work together with our LSAs, Mrs Grogan, Mrs M and Mrs Hance. Mrs Birley teaches on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Hughes on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
As the oldest pupils in the school, we know that we have new and exciting responsibilities. We are the House Captains and subject prefects and therefore we are also the role models of the school’s core values: respect, team work, responsibility, understanding, peace and honesty.
Throughout the year we will enjoy many exciting opportunities to develop our reading and writing skills. The importance of regular reading is invaluable and we will work hard together to continue to enjoy and experience a wide range of authors and texts. We will develop our mental arithmetic skills and our understanding of using the four mathematical operations in a range of contexts. We will enjoy many topics such as the Victorians in History, the classification of living things and their habitats in Science, the vocabulary needed to order a meal in a French café in French and the importance of our local rivers in Geography. Our popular French café for parents will give us the chance to put our new skills into practise and our visit to the River Chess will give us the opportunity to use geographical enquiry skills to understand a local river in action.
We will work hard all year to make sure we are emotionally and academically prepared to sit will sit our SATs in the summer term and our residential trip will be an excellent motivation and reward for all the hard work we will have shown throughout the year. Other highlights in our final term at Primary School will include leading the KS2 production, an exciting opportunity to take to the stage and grow in confidence as we get ready for the transition to secondary school.
We know that as we work hard together and rise to the challenges of Year 6, we will make the most of all learning opportunities and hold high aspirations for ourselves as we reach our goals, both in and outside the classroom.
Mrs Hughes and Mrs Birley